
Konica Minolta Joins RE100


Many companies are looking towards the future and are aiming at becoming sustainable. Konica Minolta is one of the companies that has been committed to that idea. Back in 2009, Konica Minolta announced Eco Vision 2050. This idea was to reduce CO2 emissions, promote recycling and restoration of the environment. As of 2013, Konica Minolta reduced their CO2 emissions by about 55% from their 2005. These goals have been furthered now with Konica Minolta joining RE100.

RE100 is a global initiative with the goal of having companies use 100% renewable energy. RE100 is led by the Climate Group in partnership with CDP. Over 150 companies have joined RE100 so far, including Apple, Coca-Cola, Nike, and many more. Joining RE100 will further Konica Minolta’s stance of sustainability and becoming environmentally conscious. Additionally,  Konica Minolta’s medium and long-term policies will help accomplish this. They plan to begin with production plants outside of Japan.

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