By: Test Name
PDP is proud to announce the launch of its new website!
Since you are reading this, you have already found us, but we are very excited to go live with a new layout. Special thanks go to Jennifer Web Design, a local web design and SEO company for their efforts in creating the new We would also like to thank all those who contributed content and input to make this website our new home on the web.
would like to point out a few new areas of the Website including:
you can find information and spec sheets for many of the products we carry laid out in a way that makes it easier for you to find the device that suits you and your business’ needs.
As always, our focus is on providing the best services possible to our customers, and as new needs become apparent we will be adding them to our corner of the world-wide-web. You can look forward to self-help, training, and tips and tricks for your MFPs, Printers and Workflows later this year.
Happy and Safe Browsing to
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all of our customers and partners!